3 Tips to Write an Engaging Introduction for Anthropology Essay
The word anthropology is derived from the Greek word ‘anthro’ which means ‘human being’ and ‘logia’ which means ‘study.’ It is a science of natural history of mankind which revolves around human language, societies, culture, biological remains, behaviour, and biology.
It is an interesting subject to study, therefore, many students opt for this subject in their university. And as a part of academic curriculum, it is often demanded to write an essay on the same. While some of you might be willing to write it on their own, others may reach to online anthropology essay help providers. No matter which path you choose, the subject being so interesting in itself definitely calls for an interesting introduction to its essay as well.
Because, your introduction forms the first impression for your essay. Therefore, if it is engaging, it will keep your readers reading it and you surely will achieve outstanding grades.
Here are the three tips to write an impression-worthy introduction for your essay:
1. Hero the Hook
Like to catch a fish we use a hook, similarly, to grab attention of your readers you need a proper hook for your essay. In order to add a hook, you first got to have sufficient knowledge about the theme of your essay. Therefore, get all your research work together, give it a read, absorb the gist of it, and then start with your introduction.
A hook is an anecdote for your essay as it sets your reader for the upcoming information. It can be a quote, an excerpt, or you can even begin with a question, as long as it is related to the subject.
Example: If your essay is about anthropology by and large, you may start with a quote like-
“anthropology is the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of humanities” — Alfred L. Kroeber.
(Don’t forget to mention the name of the author).
2. Curate a Context
After creating a hook, you should add a context in your essay. Your essay is unstructured without a proper context. It all starts with relating your general hook to a more specific body of knowledge. This goal can be achieved by including some interesting facts, general and background information about your topic. It should be brief and crisp.
3. Talk About Thesis
You can’t and you strictly should not skip on writing about your thesis statement in the introduction. While mentioning it, you should write about your own take on it and be assertive with the same. Talk about how you are going to prove your point in the further sections and then smoothly begin with the body.
*You should repeat your thesis statement at least once in the introduction.*
Points to ponder on:
- Don’t break the link: Often while keeping these points in mind, students forget to establish a link between these three sub-sections of introduction which makes it absurd all together. Therefore, make sure that you follow and maintain a link between them.
- Write it in the end: It is suggested to write an introduction post completing your essay, as it helps you understand the entire thesis statement properly and in-depth first and then give a general understanding of the same.
- Don’t get stuck, keep moving: No it is not recommended to leave a task in between and continue further on your essay. Rather, if you get stuck keep researching more so that you can overcome that obstacle.
- Be within the word limit: Just that you have to follow these three tips, does not call for exceeding the word limit of your essay. You should be able to write an introduction in short and precise manner with these three tips.
Key takeaway: It takes the art to hero a hook, curate a content, and master the thesis in order to write an engaging introduction for an essay on anthropology.
Summary: This articles is about the 3 tips that you need to know in order to write a winsome introduction for your anthropology essay.