5 Effective Prompts for Writing an Accounting Essay
Many students opt for accounting, considering it to be a purely mathematical subject, which is likely to revolve around numbers alone. But, as soon as it becomes a part of their curriculum and they are allotted with essays to write, they get a reality check. They learn the fact that accounting too has writing and typing of words involved in it. This might be challenging for some and fascinating for others.
But, worry not! With this article, you will be able to handle that challenge well and gratify that little writer within you.
As here is a list that is providing you with five competent prompts for writing an accounting essay. But, before that let’s shortly discuss what accounting is.
Knowing What Accounting Is
It is a field concerned with measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as business and cooperation. It is a systematic process that primarily deals with
- Methods for recording transactions
- Keeping financial records
- Performing internal audits
- Reporting and analyzing financial information
- Advising on taxation methods
Some of the basic accounting terms that you are likely to learn across the curriculum are- revenues, expenses, assets, liabilities, income statement, and balance sheet to name a few.
Now, let’s get back to the essay writing.!
5 Effective Prompts
Prompts are the cues that cause someone to take a course of action. These prompts allow you to outline an essay, craft engaging statements and come up with a pertinent conclusion.
Here is a list of five such effective prompts that are likely to provide you with areas to write upon:
1.What is Accounting all about? Does anyone know about the roots of accounting? What are the basic principles of accounting? An example always helps to develop a better understanding. How about adding a conclusion to your essay?
2.Defining accounting is important. Have you ever heard about accounting rules? Accounting standards are very important to be considered. What are the major areas of the subject? Don’t forget to mention examples and end up with a conclusion.
3.Start your essay by defining accounting. List down different types of accounting. What are the roles of an accountant? Discuss what it takes to be a professional in the field. Also, mention some skills to be an effective accountant. End it up with some fair examples and a short concluding remark.
4.Never skip on defining accounting. Discuss the concepts important to accounting. What are the advantages of choosing accounting as your career? There might be a long list of Dos and Don’ts associated with accounting, just address them. And incorporating examples with an interesting conclusion will be a cherry on the cake.
5.Let’s begin by talking about accounting in general. Do write about the mission and vision of accounting as a field. Are there any famous accounting professors who have inspired you? Write about them. What are the major branches of accounting? Mention the importance of accounting in the modern society (this certainly will help you as well). In the end, don’t omit the conclusion part.
With all these prompts mentioned, you are now exposed to a wide array of topics to cover in your essay. You are free to adopt any one set of prompt. Or you might just select one from each prompt and make a new set for yourself to write upon.
Bonus Content
If you have continued reading so far, BINGO! Here is a bonus content for you. In this section, there is a list of sources that might help you extending the prompts to a full-blown essay. You are free to consider any of the below-mentioned sources-
- You might just step in your college/university library and pick the best of the books and fill up those prompts.
- For your essay to be up to date, you might avail the services of journals available in the library or, just sit at home and use the e-journals facility.
- If, sitting at home is what you prefer, feel free to make use of the large pool of online accounting essay available for you.
- Sometimes, you can even take help from videos or info-graphics for quick and easy access to information.
Now you are well backed with the resources to write an effective essay for accounting. So brace yourself and get essay going, and good grades coming your way.
Summary: Writing can be fun if you know exactly what to write about. And what adds more to it is, knowing the sources to rely upon for the same. So, with the aim of making essay writing a fun task for you, this article provides you with both- the ways and the sources for an effective essay. Hope it helps.!
Author: I am currently working as a writer at a firm and I love my job as I have a wonderful team to work with. In my leisure time I like to travel and listen to some great music.