6 Operators to Include While Writing a Program in Python Assignment

Instant Assignment Help
2 min readOct 26, 2020


Programming is one of the trickiest subjects that students might hate a lot. There are many coding languages, and python is one of them. Well, there are basic term operators that can lead your coding to higher even also to the lower level. It’s up to you how efficiently and effectively you write it. Many of the students ask for python assignment help. The reason being is its logical solutions and unclear concepts of operators. The experts of Instant Assignment Help Australia are here to help you with all the basic ideas of various types of operators and their uses.

Let’s take a read!

1. Arithmetic Operators
These operators are used to perform mathematical operations on various operands. Such as:

+ (Addition) x+y

- (Subtraction) y-x

* (Multiplication) x*y

/ (Division) x/y

% (Modulus) x%y

// (Floor Division) x//y

** (Exponent) x**y

2. Comparison Operators
These operators are used to compare whether the statements are true or false; it depends on the condition. Such as:

> (Greater than) x>y

< (Less than) x<y

== (Equal to) x==y

!= (Not equal to) x!=y

>= (Greater than equal to) x>=y

<= (Less than equal to) x<=y

3. Logical Operators
These operators are used to get the answers logically. Such as:

And (Both are true) x and y

Or (Both are false) x or y

Not (true if one is false) not x

4. Bitwise Operators
These are the operators that act on operands as a string binary digits. Such as:

& (Bitwise AND) x&y=0

| (Bitwise OR) x|y=14

- (Bitwise NOT) -x=-11

^ (Bitwise XOR) x^y

>> (Bitwise right shift) x>>2

<< (Bitwise left1 shift) x<<2

5. Assignment Operators
These operators are used to assign values to the variables. Such as:

= (x=5) (x=5)

+= (x+=5) (x=x+5)

-= (x-=5) (x=x-5)

*= (x*=5) (x=x*5)

/= (x/=5) (x=x/5)

%= (x%=5) (x=x%5)

//= (x//=5) (x=x//5)

**= (x**=5) (x=x**5)

&= (x&=5) (x=x&5)

|= (x|=5) (x=x|5)

^= (x^=5) (x=x⁵)

>>= (x>>=5) (x=x>>5)

<<= (x<<=5) (x=x<<5)

6. Special Operators
There are two types of special operators in python: Identity operators and Membership operators.

Identity Operators

Is (True if operands are identical) x is True

Is Not (True if operands are not identical) x is not True

Membership Operators

In (True if operands found in sequence) 5 in x

Not In (True if operands not found in sequence) 5 not in x

These are the major 6 operators in the python language. Use them carefully in your document. However, if you face any issues while implementing it in your programming then take python assignment help from the service providers.

SUMMARY: This article provides some major operators that one should keep in mind and use wisely while writing a python assignment.



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