All You Need to Know About Dissertation Writing

Instant Assignment Help
3 min readDec 28, 2019


Hey, are you pursuing your undergraduate or postgraduate degree right now? Has your mentor told you about the dissertation that you have to prepare by the end of the term? If yes, then this article will help you with all that you need to know about writing a dissertation. Starting from its meaning to all basic details about it, this article has covered everything. And when it is your time to write one, you won’t need dissertation writing help from professional writers. So, buckle up! You are going to get on a ride to explore some exciting and fun stuff now.

What Is a Dissertation?

A dissertation, also known as a thesis is a research document that you prepare to complete your bachelors, masters or PhD. The quality, complexity and structure of it mostly depend on your university guidelines. This research paper allows you to explore and exhibit your findings apprehending to an argument or a proposition. You might have to select the topic for your dissertation on your own, but in some cases, your supervisor might allot you one.

How Many Words Does a Dissertation Contain?

Most of the times, number of words in a dissertation range between 10000 and 12000 if you are in your undergraduate years. This range keeps on increasing as you go further with your education.

Why Is It Necessary for You to Work on Your Dissertation?

Your mentor makes it compulsory for you to work on your dissertation because it plays a vital role in the partial fulfilment of the degree. This helps them in testing your independent researching skills in the first place. Secondly, this helps in building confidence and a sense of independent working in the students that will come handy when they land into the real professional world.

Can There Be a Variety of Dissertations?

Yes, of course. There are two kinds of dissertations:

  • Empirical Dissertation: While working on this kind of a dissertation, you will have to collect data for your own. You will have to keep in mind all professional and ethical guidelines while you meet people and collect data from them. You might also need to do some laboratory work to prepare your dissertation if you are a science student.
  • Non-empirical Dissertation: This kind of dissertation is based on already collected data, also known as secondary data. You make use of work already done by someone else. You might have to scan through a lot of books and internet to get your hands on a reliable source. Also, do not paraphrase someone else’s work. But make genuine efforts to evaluate it critically and present your views.

Do You Also Need to Appear for Viva-Voce After You Submit Your Dissertation?

In most of the cases, these rules vary from university to university. You will need to look upon your university website to get this information. But, PhD students must appear for the viva after submitting the final dissertation to get good grades.

So, you don’t at all need to worry about your dissertation now. You already know a lot more than your other classmates. So, you got an edge over them. Just get ready to spend time and put your all-out efforts in producing your research document. All the best!

Summary: A dissertation is a significant part of university education, and students must be good at it to score well. But it is seen that most of the times, students do not completely understand what they need to present in the dissertation. This article will help them in getting a better idea of their work.



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