How to Approach the Inductive or Deductive Research for Accounting Assignment?

Instant Assignment Help
2 min readMar 23, 2021


Many students seek accounting assignment help as the experts provide a perfect solution for various variables. They find it convenient as it only requires them to provide instructions and requirements to the professional as they will complete it by the promised time.

The experts approach the inductive and deductive research methods to make the assignment exceptional, and sometimes they use a mixture of both.

‘How to Approach the Inductive or Deductive Research for Accounting Assignment?’

When it comes to academic writing, this is the most common question asked by most of the students. Here is the list of various ways by which you can approach them.

Inductive Research Approach

If there is no existing literature on your topic, you can efficiently perform an inductive research method because you won’t have any theory to test. The three stages that the inductive approach consists of are as follows:

Power of Observation

Delay in a low-cost airline flight.

A and B cats have fleas.

Camel depends on water to exist.

Pattern Observation

Delay in Another 20 low-cost airline flights.

All the cats that had been observed have fleas.

All the animals that had been observed depend on water to exist.

Develop a Theory

Low-cost airline flights always delay.

All cats have fleas.

All living being depends on water to exist.

Limitations of an Inductive Approach

If you are drawing a conclusion based on an inductive research method, it can never be proven and can be invalidated.

Deductive Research Approach

While talking about approaching the conducting deductive research method, you should always start with a theory. The meaning of reasoning deductively is to test these theories. Without a theory, you cannot conduct deductive research.

The four stages that the deductive approach consists of are as follows:

Starting with the Existing Theory

Flights of low-cost airlines always delay.

All cats have fleas.

All living being depends on water to exist.

Hypothesis Formulation Based on Existing Theory

Travelers will always experience delays if they fly with a low-cost airline.

All pet cats in my residential building have fleas.

All the species that live on land depend on water to exist.

Testing the Hypothesis by Collecting the Data

Collecting the flight data of low-cost airlines.

Testing all the cats of your building for fleas.

Study all species who live on land to see if they depend on water.

Result Analysis: Does the Data Reject or Support the Hypothesis?

Rejected Hypothesis = 10 out of 200 low-cost airlines flights are not delayed.

Rejected Hypothesis = 20 out of 40 cats didn’t have fleas.

Support Hypothesis = All species who live on land depend on water.

Limitations of a Deductive Approach

If all the premises set in the inductive study are correct and the terms are clear, then the deductive reasoning conclusions can be valid only.

These are the ways by which you can approach the inductive and deductive research methods to solve your accounting assignment without wasting any time.


If you wonder about using inductive or deductive research in your accounting assignment, this article is perfect for you.

