Prepare A Pitch-Perfect Electrical Assignment PPT in the Snap of Fingers

Instant Assignment Help
4 min readJul 4, 2019


Thanos can turn half the world into dust with just a snap of his fingers. Then why can’t you prepare a pitch-perfect PPT for your assignment on electricals?

Oh! Are you missing the infinity stones?

Well, the electrical assignment help providers are here to give you those infinity stones that will help you achieve this goal.

Ready to grab them? Give a read then…

  1. Mind Stone: Knowing Your Audience

The ultimate goal behind preparing a PPT is to convey your viewpoint to your audience in an informative way and convince them to agree on the same. Therefore, it becomes an omnipotence task to understand your audience. There are two aspects to consider here:

The characteristics and the needs, let us check each one of them-

The characteristics of the audience:

>> Either they are experts (electrical engineers) or not (from any other field).

>> Is it your peer group (same level of knowledge) or a senior or junior group you are addressing to.

The needs of the audience:

>>What do they need to know?

>>What do they want to know?

>>What is already known to them?

Once you make a note of it, then you can decide the depth and amount of detail you will be presenting.

2. Power Stone: Structuring Your PPT

Post gathering the information, you have to structure it in a proper format. An ideal structure for a winsome PPT is:

The Beginning Slides:

>> Add a hook here that will grab your reader’s attention like, ‘Let us move beyond engineering books.’

TIP: Avoid using cliches like, “I will be covering” or anything across these lines.

>> State the highlighting aspect of your presentation say, the circuits that have brought a change.

>> Explain the outline/structure in brief.

The Body Slides:

In the body slides, you follow the sequence in which information is presented and elaborate the logic further. Three things to keep in mind here are:

>> Link the different sections by using phrases (verbally) like- “moving on to…,” “the next point is…,” etc.

>> Highlight the key points by making use of phrases (verbally) like- “this aspect is significant as…,” etc.

>> Direct their attention to the visuals with the help of verbal phrases like- “as you can see here…,” “this circuit explains…,” etc.

The Concluding Slides:

The aim here should be to link it with the introduction on one hand and put the body slides in a nutshell on another. Make sure you end on a strong note impressing your audience and getting a round of applause. Some useful phrases to use here are: “So where does this leaves us?” “To recap the main points” etc.

P.S. Make sure you thanks your audience towards the end and ask if they have any questions.

3. Time Stone: Preparing Slides for Your PPT

Now it is time to prepare for your PPT slides. Some key factors to consider here are:

1. Remember the 5/5/5 rule i.e.,

>> Not more than five words in a line.

>> Just five lines of text per slide.

>> Not having more than 5 slides loaded with text.

2. Make use of visual and graphic aids to add the element of interaction and impression.

4. Reality Stone: Presenting Your PPT

Well, all the work that you have done so far is finally all set to be presented. A golden rule to abide by here is the 10/20/30 rule i.e.,

>> Not more than 10 slides in total.

>> Your speaking time should not be more than 20 minutes (that means 2 minutes per slide).

>> The smallest font size that you should use is 30.

5. Soul Stone: Preparing Yourself

The PPT on your electrical assignment is all ready, but now it is time to prepare yourself. The six savage aspects to consider here are:

>> Your Voice: Articulate clearly so that the audience understands what you are saying. Modulate your voice.

>> Your Body Language: Your body language represents your confidence and guides your audience attention too.

>> Your Eye Contact: It is important to maintain eye contact with your audience to ensure that you have their full attention.

>> Your Gestures: Standing with your hand folds will neither look impressive nor expressive. Therefore, use your hands for demonstration and explanation.

>> Your Posture: Standing in a lousy position will aid in putting your audience to sleep which is surely not your purpose. Therefore, held yourself high.

>> Your Physical Appearance: Groom up properly and wearing professional outfit will work as a cherry on the cake.

Yes! Now that is a smart electrical student.

6. Space Stone: Checking the Ultimate List

And now it is time to get the final infinity stone by checking the ultimate list. Keep marking them as you read:

>> Is the information being presented in chronological order?

>> Have you added enough information per slide?

>> Is there a proper connectivity between the slides?

>> Is the transition smooth and obvious rather than being absurd?

>> Are the images and videos in line with the content?

>> Is there any grammatical error?

Are the formulas explained with the right connotation?

YAY! Now you have all the infinity stones with you. It is time to snap your fingers and prepare a perfect PPT for your electrical assignment.

Good Luck!

Summary: Prepare a perfect PPT for your electrical assignment now in the snap of fingers just like Thanos!



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